It is time to begin my new project after having stopped feeding the homeless this January and having had some time to catch up with other things in life.
This week I spoke with the owner of "Outer Limits School" on Fort Lowell Road, here in Tucson, about my providing weekend backpacks filled with food for needy children and Bill was as excited about it as I am. :) So we are going forward with my new project and I am thrilled. :) "Outer Limits" is a Pre-school and a Daycare also, so there are children year around. :)
For those of you who have never heard of the Backpack Project, it is to provide children of need every week with a backpack filled with breakfasts, lunches and snacks on Fridays, enough for Saturday and Sunday. Every Monday the children return the empty backpacks to school and it all repeats itself on Friday again. Children normally get breakfast and lunch at school during the week, but many Munchkins don't get the nourishment their little brains need on weekends and so many children don't learn well on Mondays. This project will cover the gap. :)
I am beginning with about 15 - 20 children and then let it grow from there, depending on the donations that come in. :)
Humbly I am asking for your support for donations of specific food items that are needed. I have a Wish List put together, just email me and I will send it to you. :)
Monetary donations are also very much appreciated, as I am starting this from scratch. It is less expensive to purchase the food in bulk from CostCo, for instance, or a food supply company. :) Each and every penny will go towards the food and supplies needed for this !! I am not interested in keeping any of the donations, other than for gasoline for all the running around done for this.
Thank you for your loving and kind support !! :) I am ever so grateful for each of you being on this path with me !! :)
L. Karin Elliott
3364 E. Popinac Loop
Tucson, AZ 85716