Meals Provided

9,346 Meals & As Many Snacks Provided in 39 Months

Sunday, July 2, 2017

More Than 9000 Meals Provided in 37 Weeks

This weekend we crossed 9000 meals and as many snacks provided for the Backpack Munchkins in 37 weeks. How did it all add up so quickly??!!  Thank you each & everyone of you who has helped to make this possible with your donations or help !!  Mother Teresa once said:

And together we can do even more !!  :)   We have done even more !!  :)

A very kind friend, Maria, a while ago donated a lot of her slightly used jewelry to be sold to help fund the Backpack meals. I have added each piece on my website    in the "Jewelry" section, under the sub-category  "Jewelry Donated for Children's Backpack Project". Please take a look and see if there is a piece or more you would like to purchase to support feeding the Munchkins.  :)

Many Blessings to you all !!  And Thank You once more !!  :)
