Meals Provided

9,346 Meals & As Many Snacks Provided in 39 Months

Sunday, March 5, 2017

More than 8,000 Meals Provided

This weekend we crossed 8,000+ meals and just as many snacks were provided for the Munchkins in just 33 months.  :)   We are approaching three years already and I can't imagine that it has been that long.

Thank you each and everyone for helping out with feeding the children every weekend !!  :)  It has been an awesome experience so far.

I saw the following quote a few days ago in a magazine and wanted to share it with you all:

                                           "Never believe that a few caring people
                                            can't change the world.
                                            For, indeed, that's all who ever have."
                                                                                 Margaret Mead

Peace and Love be with you always !!