Meals Provided

9,346 Meals & As Many Snacks Provided in 39 Months

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Sometimes Things Must End - September 9, 2017

Wanted to let everyone know that I am no longer providing the Backpacks for the Munchkins.
September 9, 2017 was the last time, because of a lack of gratitude from the families. So sad but true.
A little gratitude could have gone a long way and too would have taught the children to be grateful. A wonderful lesson missed.

In the past seven years with the help of many kind people I have provided 21,000 meals during three years for the Munchkins and four years for the homeless.

I would like with my whole heart to thank each of you who were a part of this endeavor of mine and for always being there for me to help out in your individual and different ways !! My gratitude is immense and I will forever hold you in my heart and my memories !!

Many Blessings to you always !!
