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Sunday, December 7, 2014

21 Pairs of New Shoes for Christmas

Yesterday I went to Payless Shoesource to see if they would give me a discount since I would be purchasing 21 pairs of shoes for the Pre-school Munchkins for Christmas.  I spoke with Alex, the manager there, a most wonderful young man !!  :)   I am very grateful to him !!  :)   Not only did he give me a great discount, he also spent quite some time helping me find the right pair of shoes for each child in the colors each had asked for.

Alex got so into doing this and I felt that the Spirit of Christmas rubbed off on him.  :)   He helped me find the right size for each Munchkin and then advised me as to which pair was the best in each case.  :)

Alex, you were awesome and definitely did a lot of good deeds yesterday for many kids in need !!  Thank you for your caring and your kindness and your loving help !!  :)   My Gratitude is big !!   :)

My Angel-neighbor Dave, who is donating a lot of toys, and I are working on getting them sorted out, researched and ordered, or for me to find locally.  It is amazing how many different toys there are available now and how many different characters there are to choose from.  :)  Most of the ones the Munchkins asked for Dave nor I ever heard of.  Of course there were many "Frozen" item requests from the girls, and "Batman", "Superman" and many for "Lego's" from the boys.  :)   Did you know that there is a bible available illustrated in Lego's ??  It's called the "Brick Bible" and it really weighs a brick.  One of the older boys asked for one as his Christmas gift.  

So things are happening at Santa's Workshop here at my home and it is beginning to look around here like I am a hoarder.  Just the shoes and some of the toys took up quite an area in my livingroom already.  :)   

Oh what a Joy this is to do !!   :)   I would like to thank each and everyone of you who has helped out so far with donations to make this possible !!  :)  Your Kindness will come back to you in many different ways, it always does, but of course that is not why we do this.  :) Just hoping to make a small difference in a few children's lives. Also hoping that this will plant new seeds with people and that it will ripple out.   :)   

I have many pictures for you to see, although I still am unable to put them on this blog.  I wish I was better at figuring out these computer things.  :)  

You all are incredible !!  :)  Thanks again !!  :)


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