Christmas is just around the corner. It is time for the planning to begin and I need to ask for everyone's help once more. :)
My dream again is to make Christmas for each of the 20 Munchkins that are in my "Food Blessings in a Backpack" program once more. These children are all from very needy families and it would be so wonderful to help out the parents a little in this way and to surprise the lil' ones at the same time. :) Plus it makes the heart feel good to imagine their cute faces when they open their presents on Christmas. :)
I need to send this out already to find out how much support, financially and physically, I will receive for this project again this year and if it is okay to proceed. Please feel free to share this blog with anyone and in any way you can to get the word out for help. :) The more the merrier. :) Each and everyone's support is so needed and appreciated. :)
So far I have put together and holding onto a blank Wish List for the parents to fill out for each Munchkin asking their sizes for clothes, shoes, toys or gifts they are asking Santa for this year. I have a number of books & DVDs coming that one of my wholesale suppliers is donating and it is a good beginning. :)
Last year I got enough funds together so each child got brand new shoes and PJs, along with one bigger toy and some smaller ones too. If you scroll down to Christmas 2014 you can see many photos of the Christmas party we had with the Munchkins last year. :)
It would also be nice to have home baked cookies for the Munchkins and other little surprises again. So if anyone would like to volunteer some baking when it gets closer, that would be so welcome once more. :) I have freezer space if you need to bake them before they are needed.
When it gets closer, I would also need some volunteers to help with the wrapping of the presents, and maybe even making some Christmas cards for the Munchkins from Santa Claus. :) Sunday, December 20th, is the designated wrapping day in the afternoon at my home.
Since I am stuffing 20 backpacks now every week, which adds up to 80 meals each weekend, I also need more help with donations of food and or funds to keep up with this.
It would also be nice to have home baked cookies for the Munchkins and other little surprises again. So if anyone would like to volunteer some baking when it gets closer, that would be so welcome once more. :) I have freezer space if you need to bake them before they are needed.
When it gets closer, I would also need some volunteers to help with the wrapping of the presents, and maybe even making some Christmas cards for the Munchkins from Santa Claus. :) Sunday, December 20th, is the designated wrapping day in the afternoon at my home.
Since I am stuffing 20 backpacks now every week, which adds up to 80 meals each weekend, I also need more help with donations of food and or funds to keep up with this.
It costs about $8.00 per child per weekend for four meals, fruit, veggies, milk and snacks, etc., which is around $640.00 a month for just the food. And of course there are always a few other expenses, like gas, backpacks, plastic baggies, etc. The Munchkins ages are from 1 to 10, and all so need the food each weekend. I go through an incredible amount of food every week. In the past 17 months we have provided over 4,500 meals. :)
I am struggling along, but I do have some incredible Angels who help out regularly. :) Bill sends a small check every month, Mark sends one every few months. Dave donates food from CostCo every two weeks. I truly know that I can rely on all three, but I always could use more help. :) It is really hard for me to ask for help, but I so need it.
Please share your thoughts with me on this and please help out whichever way you feel you can. :)
Sending a great big Hug and many Blessings to each and everyone of you !! :)
Sending a great big Hug and many Blessings to each and everyone of you !! :)
I am very grateful for your help !! :)
L. Karin Elliott
3364 E. Popinac Loop
Tucson, AZ 85716
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