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9,346 Meals & As Many Snacks Provided in 39 Months

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

A Great Big Thank You !!

As some of you already know I recently had two major operations within a week at the end of July and the beginning of August. A knee replacement was first and second was open heart surgery after having had a heart attack. Together they had me mostly immobile for quite a while and most of all I wasn't allowed to lift anything to protect the scar on my chest.

It was very important to me to continue with the backpack program during my hospital stay and my recovery, as there are hungry children waiting for their food every weekend.  So some of my friends came to help out and carried it through all the way.  :)  What great friends I am blessed with !!   :)

I would like to thank these very special people who gave up their time to do different parts of the whole project.

First of all Dave, it was so incredible that you did the whole job all by yourself for four weeks, even when I was in the hospital !!  I know how much work it is and you so much rose to the occasion.  It wasn't easy, but you carried through !! Thank you so much !!   :)   You were awesome !!

And thank you Elizabeth for helping Dave one week with the laying out of the food and then stuffing the backpacks to get them ready to go for Friday.  :)   I much appreciated your help !!

Thank you Sara and Rae for covering one week with laying out the food and then stuffing the backpacks !!  :)  You were wonderful !!  :)  Sara, also a big thank you for delivering the backpacks on two Fridays in the morning !!  :)

Sue, thank you for jumping in last week to get it all done for another weekend !!  I am so grateful to you !!  :)  It also was nice to visit with you !!  :)

Blanca, a sweet thank you for bringing the empty backpack over a couple of times to help out !!  It helped a lot !!  :)

I'm almost back to normal, except for lifting the heavy bags, it still hurts my chest and my knee too. Pretty soon though I will be able to continue on my own again.  :)

Life is wonder-filled and so are you all !!  :)


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