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Monday, June 22, 2015

Children's Books for "Moms in Combat Boots"

A dear friend of mine is involved in a group that is running a project called "Moms in Combat Boots" & I decided to help them too. They would absolutely love to have children's books to read to their children via Face Time or Skype. Kids range from 9 months to 13 year old. Most are under 5 years of age. The children's books go to Moms in Kuwait, Afghanistan, Africa (Ebola Crisis), Iraq, South America, to the Mideast, Europe and to the ones patrolling the oceans of the world. 
If you would like to donate your used or new books I will gladly pass them on to the group. And if you have store credit at Bookman's & would like to donate it, I would be more than happy to go pick out the books, since I live pretty close to one of their stores.
And my store,, has a large selection of children's books to choose from also, and I would have the books already here.
You can reach me at 520-325-6817.
Thank you for your kind help !!  


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