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Sunday, January 29, 2017

Christmas for the Munchkins 2016 - Part 2

....  Another one of my awesome children's books suppliers, Dawn Publications, donated a box of children's books and it was so great to have all theses wonderful books for the Munchkins. Reading and learning is so important, especially these days. We need to pump our kids full of positive information so they can grow in the right direction !!  :)   Thank you dearly, Bruce !!  :)

A huge thank you goes to my dear friend Jane A., who this year again contributed a huge amount of help for the whole project !!  :)  Jane you made such an enormous difference once more, it made me cry happy tears !!  I am so humbled with gratitude to and for you !!  :)

Thank you Mr. Bill for helping out again and for providing the space so we could have the lil' Christmas party for the Munchkins again this year.  :)  You are always supporting me so kindly with this project and throughout the year too !!  :)

Thank you Miss Blanca for helping me on your end, the schools end !!  And for working things out so things could run smooth !!  :)   And for your patience with my pushing everybody to respond with filling out the wish lists. :) Thank you Miss Minnie for your help with the wish lists too!!  :)

Thank you Miss Maggie for all the fun and adorable face paintings you did for the Munchkins during the Christmas party !!  You are a wonderful artist and very creative !!  :)   Starr, Tricia & Carl thank you for helping at the party also, I appreciate you so much !!   :)

I will write about the wrapping of the presents, under that heading further down on this blog along with all the wrapping pictures.

I would like to give a thank you shout-out to Payless Shoes !!  They were so kind to give me a 25% discount on all the shoes for the Munchkins, which made quite a big difference on 20 pairs.  :)

Thank you Breanna & your Angel daughter for donating boxes of Girl Scout cookies for the Christmas party !!   :)   And Angel's Girl Scout Troop for donating lots of food for the on-going backpacks !!   :)  I am very grateful for the help you all gave !!

Thank you to the wonderful ladies of the St. Joseph's Rosary Makers Club who got together a lot of food and contributed it for the weekend backpacks.  Thank you Ladies and thank you so much dear Elena for pulling it all together and delivering it here !!  :)   I go through a lot of food each weekend, providing roughly 70 - 80 meals each time. You all are awesome !!  :)

Pat B. thank you for sending all those Christmas cards to use and all the little stocking stuffers !! They were really cute and were distributed quickly !!   :)

Some people wanted to sponsor a child or two for an outfit and big my thank yous go to Wendy & Gopal, Maggie D., Blanca, Bill & Iris, Dana A., and Kim R.,  Wendy & Gopal, thank you in addition, for all the food you donated for the weekend meals !!  :)  :)   Marian B. sponsored 10 sets of PJs and or nighties.  I am so grateful for your kind help !!  :)

I purchased the rest of all the brand new outfits and each child also received new P.J.s for Christmas, and new shoes, most of them with their favorite characters on them.  :)   I wish I could have been able to watch each child when they opened all their presents, with their little shining faces !!  :)   I can only imagine !!  :)

Then there were all the cookie bakers, Marian & George, Carolyn T., Danny, Cheryl C., and Sarah W., thank you so much for the awesome treats for the kids !!  :)   And Jhan's fudge, was the big hit again this year, thank you my sweet friend !!  :)   Thank you also for Nicole M. for putting together the cute candy bags once more !!  :)  And thank you dear Dave for purchasing a lot of candy for more candy bags and for the party !!  :)

A great big thank you goes to all the people who donated funds for the Munchkins Christmas and what was left-over I transferred into the weekly food fund.  :)  Many thanks from all my heart goes to George & Marian, Carolyn T., Nan F., Catherine P. in Illinois, Mark & Patty B., Amy & Rich C., Ulysses, Maggie D., K.C., Audrey H., Karen & Eddy R. from Kansas, Elizabeth & Alfred F., also in Kansas, Jhan C., Martha F., Cheryl C., Christine J. from the Navajo Reservation, Andy D. from Washington State, and Martin M. from Colorado. Thank you, thank you, thank you each and everyone of you !!   :)

You all showed that Kindness lives all around us and that it is truly alive. And that when we open our hearts and all help together we can truly take care of each other !!  Thank you all for coming through for the Munchkins and their parents who needed help this Christmas !!  :)   I'm wrapping my arms around each and everyone of you with lots of Love and so much Gratitude !!  :)

Please scroll down to all the other entries and the many pictures that are relevant to this Christmas for the Munchkins.  You might have to click on "Older Entries" to get to see the whole event and all the rest of the pictures too.  :)

Many Blessings to each and everyone of you and once more a great big Thank You to you all !!   :)


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